Wednesday, March 13, 2013

triggers, iui's and tww's

went in for my last ultrasound on Wednesday. ms follie grew 5 mm and was at a healthy 19 mm. I got my trigger shot and we did the iui yesterday.

Before we went in, I think I was slightly obsessive about everything. Going over the process in my head over and over. Talking A's ear off about it.
Friday morning I just felt excited. Like when you're going to a concert of someone you really like. She came with me and ordered our vial, had some breakfast and then went in for the procedure. Dr G was very gentle, but I still felt slight discomfort. It was so quick that I almost missed it. I felt a little cramp and he said we were done.
Now I have to act pregnant. Don't do anything I wouldn't do if I were pregnant. That's no problem.
So now we're in the tww. To be honest, I thought I would be freaking out but, I feel really good. I feel relieved and peaceful I know we have done all we could and now it's in God's hands. In two weeks we will know what he decided and we'll go from there.

I'll update any symptoms I might feel in the next few days.