Saturday, January 26, 2013

In the beginning...

So it begins. Let me introduce myself. I'm G and my wife's name is A. We have been together for eight years. It'll be officially eight in a couple of weeks. Time has really flown by.

She comes from a large boisterous family and I come from a small tight knit one. We have always known we wanted a family of our own, but we would always find a reason to wait. We were too young, financially unstable, having too much fun, or just plain not ready... I turned 27 last month and on my birthday she said she was ready. In that instant I knew I was too. Inside of me grew a hope that we could soon become a little family. That our love, the love that had gone through its highs and lows, would bear the fruit of a little person.

Soon, I made an appointment with a fertility clinic. I was diagnosed with pcos last April and we want to be as prepared as possible. Our first appointment went wonderfully. Better than expected actually. Met our doctor, Dr. G. He's one of the leading doctors in the fertility field. He was very understanding and explained the whole process very in depth. Even the timeframe was shorter than we expected.

Now, I'm feeling a bit nervous. I have to wait until my January period arrives so I can get started with the testing process. Much to my annoyance, my period is two weeks late. I'm trying not to get too stressed about it, but it's hard not to wonder what's all going on in my nether regions. I don't want my ovaries thinking this is a vacation they can take anytime they want. I need them to make big healthy eggs so our insem goes smoothly and hopefully we can have good news on our first try. The waiting game is the hardest thing for me since I am a control freak and patience is not my best quality.

Financially, this was a huge eye opener. After looking online at possible sperm banks and possible donors, we realized that a huge chunk of our money will go into buying, storing, and shipping the "stuff" as we call it. We are very blessed that our insurance covers all the testing and ultrasounds.

To you, reader, thank you for joining our journey and we ask that you send us positive baby vibes. We can use all the positive energy we can get :)

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